Going to start focusing on the final product aspect of this project. In the last post I was dicussing that my project will give the steps on how to get a 504 plan and I, myself might consider/try to get my own 504 plan. To do this I will have to talk to techaers, guidance counselors, and even doctors. Ms. Varga has written down the basic steps for me on a piece of paper, the process is not something simple or to be taken lightly. To get a 504 plan one must talk to their doctor and request it. The doctor has to approve it and then a note showing this must be taken to the school. After the process is out of the doctor's hands, it goes into the school's hands. Guidance counsleors must notify teachers, nurses, and even document it with college board.
I plan on making a bulletin board within school displaying my information/project. I think it would be cool to get phamplets from my doctor's office about learning conditions/disabilities, meidcations used for treatment, and even phamplets about what a student can recieve and get in school. Does this sound like a good idea? Or just unnecessary and a waste? Only one or two glued on. I think on my bulletin display I would like to tape up a folder with a little phamplet actually describing the 504 process (this being the bulk and actual final product of this project) Does this sound like too much or should my bulletin board cover all of this info. I was kind of picturing like the bulletin board focusing on common disorders, explaining them, medications, all of that and then phamplets explaining the 504 plan.
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