Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reflection Week 5: Popular Literature


I spent this week both continuing my comparisons between my series books and looking for stand alone books to include in my project. I've decided to use the resources around me, students at my school, to find out some of the favorite books among them.

On top of this survey I've continued to look through the lists for the top books. One of the top books that keeps popping up is the classic To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. My dilemma is whether to include books written in only a certain time period, or to open up to any book ever written. My original plan was to include books written between 1990-2012, but I'm considering expanding those dates. I think I will wait for my final decision until I see what books people respond with in the survey.

I've almost completely finished analyzing my series books. My plan for the next week is to finish my notes on that and put a list of other books to include for the project. My third task for the upcoming week will be to return to the question I proposed in my third week post (, is there a way for a book to become a bestseller when the writing or ideas behind it isn't. 

Post any questions or suggestions below! If you have a favorite book you think should be included in the list, feel free to mention it!

1 comment:

  1. I think it depends on what the scope of your project is. Do you want to examine the three books you've mentioned or look for what the elements of a great YA novel are?


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