Sunday, November 11, 2012


Alright, newbie programmers and other viewers! I'm back again with yet another post and more progress with my project. I am EXTREMELY pleased to admit, that after a hour of hunching over my computer, glaring at it for being difficult, having lightbulb moment, and then being annoyed at myself, I have successfully created one of the simplest programs in programming: HelloWorld. What does this program do you maybe be thinking? It writes the words "Hello World" in Command Prompt. Yeah, I know. Please hold your applause.

HelloWorld is a very simple piece of coding that is great for beginners to learn. To start, first you will have to download JavaSE from Pick the package that says Java Platform JDK 7u9 and then following the onscreen prompts. For more information, please see Java for the Beginning Programmer by Jeff Heaton Chapter 2 or if you are a video person, please watch this video: How to Install Java .

Now to the fun part. Command Prompt. This is where the actual coding begins. I created a space to store my program by creating a place to store my files. I inputed a series of lines of code that I will post in my next post. Once I enter the last line on command prompt, Notepad will open up. Now, don't worry. Notepad is a program that is already installed on every operating system. Once Notepad opens up, we enter our code that will print "Hello World."

If you are confused, don't worry. I'll be adding a few pictures to the next post to make things easier to understand and to going into the actually syntax. The pictures will also have the code on them, so feel free to practice and post any questions that you might have. Laterzzzzzz....

Disclaimer: Please note that I did NOT make that video.
All programming knowledge I state in these post is from Java for the Beginning Programmer. No one sue me please.

Note: I would actually highly recommend that anyone who wants to learn how to program get a copy of Java for the Beginning Programmer by Jeff Heaton

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! So glad to see you're making progress. How does this help your project, though? Be sure to make clear connections to what you're learning to your reflection.


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