Now that I have all these ideas, it's time I put them to good use. I have all of my information collected. I want to start going around and interviewing students. I would walk around the halls or maybe even handout a worksheet/survey to the gym teachers so they can give them out at the end of the class. The survey will have questions of/about how students usally percieve others who have learning disabilities. I know just form experience, seeing, and hearing it all first hand that people just assume students with disabilites to be "dumb and/or slow". This bothers me ... a lot. I remember in middle school my soccer coach had a daughter who was disabled and whenever used derrogatory "r word" she would get really offended.
At first she didn't tell anyone about her daughter and her daughter's condition, not because she was embarrassed but because she kept quiet to hear people's true reactions about it and to see how kids handled situations like this. She waited until a situation arose, one practice when a teammate called someone the r word for doing something wrong and she sat us down and told us her story. She told us she had a daughter who was disabled and she gets offended when people say things like that. She explained to us that even though someone is diasbled it does not make them stupid, weak, or incapble just at a slight disadvantage. it was hard but defnitely worth it, also not an issue to be joked about because of how much it affects the person's life who has it but everyone in that person's life. We asked why she didn't tell us and she said well if I told you, you would of acted differently and handled it more sensitively, and we questioned her, like isnt that what you would want? She told us of course she wants people to be respectful and understadning towards peopel like her daughter but they should always be like that. My coach also explained ot us that even though we may use the r words and other negative simialr words as a joke it isnt funny, and should be used as a joke. People with disabilities already "feel out of the loop" and different, they have enough to worry about why be cruel and hurtful and make their problems even harder to deal with? It shouldnt take getting into an akward situation like the one that soccer practice or meeting somone to be accepting and understanding, we should always be kind to others. I guess this is what started it all, my first experience and after that I always thought this way. This is why I hope to have a successful project that not only opens people's hearts but their eyes to the situation and circumstances of people with disabilites.
After collecting the data and organizing it form the survey you'd be surpised and even a little disapointed at what others think about kids with disabilites and how often they use negative and hurtful words relating to it
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