Saturday, January 26, 2013

Coding (12)

Programming People across the world,

Okay, so everything seems shipshape. Everything is done and ready for the big day. It’s funny…it doesn’t feel like 5 months have passed since the beginning of this year and yet here I am, studying for my AP Calc midterm. To think in 7 months, I’ll be heading off to college…huh.

Sorry about that. Just got lost in time ....really is crazy though now that I think about it.

Any way, yeah. Everything is set and ready to go. Sorry this is really short but I truly have nothing else to say.

Good Bye and Good Luck.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Justin, I don't know you but I am a math teacher over at AIT and I was so happy to see you tackle coding all on your own! It really is the language of the future that everyone should know at least a little bit about. It also great that you are encouraging your classmates to give coding a try. The world will be yours!!
    ~Mrs. Kandigian


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