Hello again everyone! Time to bring you all back up to date on where I am with my project.
Well, I have basically have finished the computer program and it works flawlessly. Unforunately, I don't believe that it will be leaving my laptop screen. I really don't think that its going to become an app. Guess I bit off a bit more than I could chew that time...
But it's okay really. Renowned film director, Woody Allen has something to say about failure:
This is really true. Edison failed to create the light bulb in his few hundreds tries( great man, Edison) but still he pressed on and he succeeded.
Anyway, its not like I didn't learn anything. I did learn some programming in Java which is pretty fun once you get the hang of it. My next goal to work on is learning bash scripts and maybe C++......
Well, catch you later.
Great quote, and as I said, part of the point of the project. There is definite learning in failure/less success than intended.